- Unprocessed – This honey is unprocessed – all the nutrients present in the honey remain in tact right from the process of collection to bottling.
- Sustainably Harvested – Methods used in the harvesting of this bottle of honey are sustainable, ensuring the bees return to the hives after the honey is collected.
- Unique Honey Rainbow – This bottle of Nilgiris Honey has a variety of colors that range from a lightness that is almost clear, to amber, and even dark that is completely opaque. The color itself is not indicative to the quality of a honey, it is merely an effect of what nectar was gathered from what flowering plants.
- Natural Sugars – This honey is a natural sweetener, comprised of natural sugars like glucose, fructose, and mainly sucrose.
- Eco Friendly Packing – This bottle comes in a complete eco-friendly packing – corrugated boxes tailor made for the bottle, ensuring zero breakage and contributing to rid the planet of harmful packaging!
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